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    Dr. Jennifer Ashton: Self-Care Tips

    Dr. Jennifer Ashton Photographer: Michael Benabib Dr. Jennifer Ashton, chief medical correspondent at ABC World News, shares tips to make well-being attainable When it comes to the word “well-being,” a yoga class, soothing spa treatment or walk in nature may come to mind. For Dr. Jennifer Ashton, the chief medical correspondent at ABC World News, self-care equals well-being. In fact, she sees them as interchangeable. “When you have well-being, you’re practicing self-care,” she explains. As a solo parent with a high-profile job, a thriving medical practice and demanding travel schedule, Dr. Ashton is the first to admit that carving out time to practice self-care isn’t always easy. For her, “it…

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    Building Resilience: How To Emerge Stronger

    Facing adversity such as a pandemic, illness or financial uncertainty, while challenging, offers us the opportunity to grow resilience. We pull from our inner resources to cope, and bounce back from sudden, unexpected change. We find fresh ways to respond, emerging stronger as we support our health and well-being.  Resilience empowers us to remain present, flexible and adaptable, to move forward and find creative solutions while supporting the health of our family, community and the planet. At-home self-care has become essential to maintaining health during social-distancing. Here are five practical tips to help build resilience through self-care:   1. Design your day to include pause breaks Take 10- to 15-minute…

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    Voices from the Spa

    There is a lot of talk among spa owners about when and how to reopen the spa industry these days. With COVID19 top of mind, spas are working around the clock on plans to keep staff and clients safe. The International Spa Association (ISPA) recently collaborated with close to 100 volunteer spa leaders, medical professionals, resource partners and more to develop the “ISPA COVID-19 Spa Reopening Toolkit,” link below,  a consolidation of resources that are designed to help spas reopen safely and successfully, and establish the proper levels of sanitation and hygiene.  Meanwhile, scores of individual spa guidelines are flooding my inbox, as everyone in the industry is trying to…

  • Articles

    Kirill Sokolovski

    Every year the theatres invite young talented dancers, yesterday graduates, to join their ballet troupes. This season the Bolshoi Theatre has taken in its ranks Kirill Sokolovski – the graduate from Vaganova Ballet Academy. Kirill moved to Moscow not long ago, started his career in the Theatre and danced at the historic stage. In the interview Kirill told La Personne about his first impressions of new life, about model career and main priorities. Interview: Elizaveta Emelkina Photo: Alisa Aslanova Translator: Katarina Bornovitskaya Kirill, how have you got into ballet? For the company with a neighbour girl, we practiced dancing and step. When I was at the 4th grade, the representatives…


    Inner Beauty Elixirs

    The latest on-the-go powders and elixirs not only feed your glow from within, they taste good, too Beauty rituals have been enjoyed by women down through the ages for a reason. They create a moment—or an hour—for a woman to appreciate herself. To savor the sensory pleasure of a luscious cream or oil, to soak in a warm bath dappled with fragrant salts and soft candlelight, to exfoliate in the shower with intoxicating floral blends with sugar or honey, is a way to pay attention to yourself, take care of yourself, show yourself appreciation and revel in the moment. There’s been a shift. We still enjoy all of those things,…


    Supplements: Beauty from the Inside Out

    Beauty supplements are surging—biotin (or vitamin B complex), zinc, vitamins D and E for healthy hair and nails; vitamins A, C, E, collagen and probiotics for skin. If you are experiencing thinning hair, brittle nails or extreme skin dryness, you may be experiencing a deficiency of one of these nutrients. Supplements can help! And, be sure to eat enough protein (ideally 30 percent of your daily dietary intake) and healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil). Try Neocell Collagen Beauty Builder, neocell.com; Reserveage Tres Beauty, reserveage.com; Hum Hair Sweet Hair (gummies), thedetoxmarket.com; RMS Beauty Within Probiotic + Prebiotic, RMSbeauty.com; Hum Collagen Love, thedetoxmarket.com; Natrol Gummies Hair, Skin & Nails, with 90…